Technologies for assistance and rehabilitation

I am a Research Fellow, currently working within the Human Robotics Laboratory at the University of Melbourne

My research explores how technologies – particularly robotics – can be used to help those with movement impairment in assistive and rehabilitative applications, including the development of Exoskeletons for the lower limb, rehabilitation robots for the upper limb, and tools and devices for measuring movement capabilities.

I have a keen interest in research translation and commercialisation.

I also initiated the CANOpen Robot Controller (CORC) Toolbox, an open source robotic development software stack for any device running with CANOpen hardware – we welcome any users and contributors here.

  • Research

    Overview of my major research projects

  • Technologies

    Manifestations of the technologies explored in my work.

  • Experience

    Research, teaching, supervision and other experience

  • Publications

    A detailed list of publications of my research works.